
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ultimate Reset

I will be starting the Ultimate Reset with Deidre tomorrow. What is the Ultimate Reset? It is a detox/cleanse/supercharged 21 day program by Beachbody. It consists of 3 weeks planned eating where you do not go hungry, you stay very healthy, and you reset your bodies natural mechanisms and metabolism. I'm excited. I'm so glad Deidre is here to help me with this because I know it will be easier for me to stick to the strict eating/supplements plan with her help. My goals: This is a starting point for me. I plan on KEEPING a clean eating diet after this is completed. I'm leaning towards a mostly paleo diet with some grains and beans for my family. I will be starting an exercise program shortly after this reset ends. I will walk through it and continue WATP for a week or so then start the Les Mills Pump program strong. I want to rebuild my love of fitness. I have not been able to get myself on track for over a year now and it is time. I am hoping to get my work hours stable so I can create a personal schedule that helps promote my personal wholesomeness. Spiritually: I hope to be able to continue my small group bible study course. Socially: I hope to be able to restart my meet-up walks and continue my weekly walks/activities with Kimberly. Here's to my start.... My Ultimate Reset!!

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