
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Almost October

Well it's time for me to come up with a strict plan for myself.
I weighed in at 116 today after coming home from a 4 day stay at my daughters. 4 days of no formal exercise and not watching diet.
I'm back to watching my diet. Going back to my unprocessed eating plan. I really need to make that my lifestyle. It's so difficult as I really still hate to cook.

Even my running has suffered the past few weeks but I am not distressed. Tomorrow starts a new day for me. I will be trying out a new routine this week.
I'm going to attempt to run every day but only 1.5 miles on the week days and then a long run on sat or sun. not sure if i'll be able to handle it, my body may not be ready for that but i'm going to try and see how it goes.

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