I feel rather silly calling it a race, I guess it's a run, because time was of no value for me on it. I didn't even look at the counter when I came in. I actually didn't even think of it until quite a while afterwards when I was walking around and I saw it then I thought "Oh I wonder how long it took me".
The Freedom Run: 2 miles, not even a 5K yet. I did have to walk some but I ran most of it. I walked for maybe 4 minutes. My legs were aching and the sun got super hot towards the end of the run. It started at 8:05am for us 2 mile runners and I wished it started earlier, just to beat the heat. We reached a turn around point and I got elated thinking "Ah yes!!! half way!!!" Just the thought of being half way done energized me. Then they turned us down a side street a little ways down and there was the water station. OOOO the fun of trying to grab a little plastic cup of water while jogging. I do want to thank everyone who has ever worked a race event..You are true godsends!! Anyways, I took my cup of water and tried to take a sip, yep....drinking it wasn't happening. I poured it over my head and wet my hair down and cooled off. The water felt wonderful as I lifted my hair and rubbed it on my neck. And the run itself got cooler as the water started to dry on my skin. Keep running...ooh there's a corner, AND A HILL, all at the same time, ugh that was tough but I kept up the run and slowed the pace (I was going walking speed). I didn't want to stop running for anything though. Made it over the hill which was quite small and there was shade. Then suddenly the trees stopped and it was all sun. The sun about killed me. There was no more shade until the end and I just couldn't keep up the run, I had to walk. I didn't time myself but I'm sure it wasn't more than 1-2 minutes then I started running again. That burst spent, I had to walk again, this time was a shorter walk as I was able to catch my breath quicker and I heard someone tell her son how close we were to the finish line. I started to jog again and sure enough, turn the last bend and ooooh the beauty of the finish line!!! And the people, I can already hear them clapping and cheering. That really did give a burst of energy which I was hoping for. I was able to run the rest of the way.
I got my water and started my walking cool down as looking around. Chandra whom I just met at this event and ran most of the way with just crossed the finish line herself and I went over and gave her a congratulatory hug. We got our pictures taken and she had to go home and I grabbed a banana while waiting for my other sparkbuddies to cross the finish line.
There was one sparkbuddy that I missed but I'm sure she was there. She was the only one I knew of who was participating in the 10K, the rest of us did the 2 mile run.
As I was leaving they started the tots-run. NOW THAT WAS JUST TOO CUTE!!!
One daddy was holding his little boys hand while another 10K friend or relative was running beside him. The poor little boy was crying, the run was so tough... I clapped and cheered him on, he made it and it was so fun to see the youngest participants cross the finish. They ranged from 2 yrs up to maybe 5, they were all so little.
And yes I did lose my car, took me forever to find where I had parked and get myself home to report to all my online friends.
congrats on your first race!! That is an accomplishment you should be very proud of!!